Investment Strategies – Global Unconstrained

The Kopernik Global Unconstrained strategy may be offered by Kopernik in various investment vehicles, including separate accounts and privately offered funds. More information is available upon request.

Kopernik’s investment philosophy is centered on the belief that market inefficiencies present numerous opportunities to identify businesses that we believe are mispriced. The Firm utilizes bottom-up fundamental analysis to gain a thorough understanding of a company’s business and valuation..

The Global Unconstrained strategy seeks absolute returns by taking long and short positions in companies located throughout the world, including emerging and frontier markets. Long positions are believed to be trading at a significant discount to their risk-adjusted intrinsic value and theoretical value. Short positions are believed to be trading at a significant premium to their risk-adjusted value and theoretical value.

Global Unconstrained Strategy Guideline Maximums (at purchase):Weightage
Issuer weight (long)5%
Issuer weight (short)3%
Fixed Income30%
Emerging markets50%

Kopernik defines Emerging Markets to include all emerging and frontier markets and countries that may not be classified as developed by MSCI.

Kopernik Global Unconstrained Tear Sheet

Kopernik Global Unconstrained Composite 2023 GIPS® Report